Denver Cinema Club

Denver Cinema Club HQ

Denver Cinema Club, bringing people together to enjoy and discuss great film, in real life and virtually since 2004.


Exploring the Depths of South American Cinema

South American cinema offers rich narratives, complex characters, and themes that reflect the diverse and turbulent realities of life on the continent. Films like Limite (1931), Barren Lives (1963), The Official Story (1985), Madeinusa (2006), The Maid (2009), and Embrace of the Serpent (2015) explore both individual lives and the broader human condition in ways that are both universal and uniquely South American.

Liked reviews

finally got around to watching this movie (thank you marie!) which I deeply enjoyed despite being the goofiest shit in the world at times. excited to watch more Preston Sturges and really soak up this kinda dialogue & sense of irony. obvious how and why the coens were so inspired by it, and i really dug the one gag that clearly inspired Sorry to Bother You, but i dunno... even as a guy who is staking his whole career on the…