Films with an official Limited or Wide 2024 release date within the United States.
K&D Watchlist
Backlog - Romance - Psychological - Crime - SciFi - Drama - Horror - Action - Comedy - Animated -…
Horror Films - Worth Your Time
What's your favorite scary movie?
Horror films. A genre plagued with quantity over quality but it's arguably my favorite genre…
Romance Films - Worth Your Time
Isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?
Romance films. A guilty pleasure. Just…
Found Footage - Worth Your Time
I'm afraid to close my eyes, I'm afraid to open them.
A24 - Company Filmography Ranked
At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you gonna be. Can't let nobody make that decision for you.…
My 100 Favorite Movies of All Time
Non-definitive list is subject to change often
Sad Films - Worth Your Time
You grow up around something, and it feels like nothing.
Sad films. It’s definitely a vibe. Sometimes you’re just simply…
2014 Movies - Top 15
Honorable mentions in no particular order: I Origins, Lego Movie, Dear White People, Enemy, Fury, 22 Jump Street, Top Five,…