Would that it twere so simple
🧡 used to designate movies I had a strong emotional reaction to (not necessarily favorites)
A solid, intriguing, and even cute setup portion. And then a pretty unremarkable second half, with visual effects that are like a cheaper attempt at the ominous-but-quickly-uninteresting murk of the Upside Down in Stranger Things.
Taylor-Joy is good as always, bringing welcome charm and levity to the first half, but Teller is honestly a real bore, allowed no intensity and not apparently capable of reaching the melancholy or yearning that might’ve made the romance element of this really sing.
But even…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Chilly and incredibly elegant, both aesthetically and structurally. Wraps an ultimately rather lovely, although initially opaque, relationship sketch around the solid backbone of a pleasantly diaphanous spy thriller.
Exactly seven performances, and they’re all exactly what they need to be. And Soderbergh makes it all look effortlessly precise.
(I predict this will be criminally under-seen.)
Time becomes a flat circle and a ghost becomes a flat sheet. Places accumulate the detritus of love, but eventually have to give them up, even as we do. Give me a love to wrap my arms around while I still have arms.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Dreamy, bewitching, unsettling, stirring.
We all have an axe-blow waiting for us at the end of our time here on this green earth, but truly what matters more than the passing moment of death is what we do along the way, whether we can be kind and honorable and honest. And if we repent of our wrongs—our foolish and petty attempts to cheat and wiggle free of the consequences—then mercy may be had, not from the axe (not forever anyway),…