Star war
I value my top 100 list more than my firstborn
Such a surprisingly emotional film. You get to see Sal’s kindness and charm and also his internalised racism and bigotry. When we see the joint burnt down after what happened with Radio Raheem, there is a mix of sadness and satisfaction. The rightful anger of the neighbourhood avenging their own in the only way they can. While it was not the fault of Sal, it can be argued it was caused by his lack of tolerance for including black people…
I’ll be honest, I thought this was pretty fucking good. The third act was kinda weirdly paced so I was confused when they suddenly just won but I liked the ending anyway.
Also this movie is visually and creatively beautiful and I would love to see more stuff that at least looks like this.
This is the type of movie people say “they can’t make movies like this anymore” yet they
Just did and for some reason everyone doesn’t like…
Without a doubt the best cinematic experience of my life and one of the greatest movies EVER made. Everything this film attempts is excecuted beyond perfection.
Hans Zimmer’s(interns) score is fucking phenomenal whenever that one fucking evil ass riff comes through I lose my shit.
Typically at movies this length I start to wonder if it will end yet around the 2 hour mark. For Dune 2 there was a point around that time where I dreaded nothing more and…