Diego Tutweiller

Diego Tutweiller

Favorite films

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • Cinema Paradiso
  • In Bruges

Recent activity

  • Soul Man


  • Mickey 17


  • Escape from Alcatraz


  • They Shoot Horses, Don't They?


Recent reviews

  • Soul Man

    Soul Man


    Not a bad biopic from a narrative standpoint, but it's crammed with historical inaccuracies that make it difficult to recommend. In real life, the protagonist's name was Clarence Thomas and he went on to have a long and illustrious career on the Supreme Court.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    It's hard to put into words how disappointing it is to see Bong Joon-Ho return to misguided English-language sci-fi allegories after the success of Parasite. This is a man who's directed three movies that I genuinely consider among the best ever made (Mother and Memories of Murder being the other two)-- which makes his ventures into heavy-handed anticapitalistic commentary all the more disheartening. I loathed Okja and also didn't care for Snowpiercer, both of which have much more in common…

Popular reviews

  • Deadpool




    (The audience waits in rapt anticipation for the next line of dialogue, on the edge of their seats. What piece of comedic genius shall Ryan Reynolds dispense next? What witty juxtaposition will the marketing team at Marvel Studios inflict upon the public this time? The suspense is palpable!)

    "... Did I leave the stove on?"

    (The theater is consumed by howls of laughter. Seats are kicked, knees are slapped, and tears stream down the audience's cackling faces. They snort…

  • Love Actually

    Love Actually


    Imagine how it feels for a friend or a family member to recommend Love Actually to you. You've known this person for years, and you respect their opinion, so you order this... thing... from Netflix as soon as possible. It arrives. You place it in your DVD player, hit play, and start watching.

    At first, you think it's a joke. No way could this have been a serious recommendation, right? Nobody in their right mind could enjoy this schmaltzy load…