
DIM9000 Patron

Над вымыслом слезами обольюсь

Favorite films

  • Titanic
  • The Godfather Part II
  • Loveless
  • La Dolce Vita

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • 2001: A Space Odyssey


  • The French Revolution: Years of Rage


  • The French Revolution: Years of Hope


Pinned reviews

  • Gladiator



    «Gentlemen. What we do in life... echoes in eternity.» Ralph Cifaretto
    «He’s fucking obsessed with Gladiator.» Silvio Dante
    «Come on, it's a great fucking film. Strength and honor.» Ralph Cifaretto
    «Scotch and soda. Long as you're on the way to the bar.» Tony Soprano

  • Gladiator II

    Gladiator II


    Do you think Ralph Cifaretto would have liked Gladiator II?

Recent reviews

  • This Summer Will End

    This Summer Will End


    Никогда не следует недооценивать предсказуемость тупизны

  • Miracles: The Canton Godfather

    Miracles: The Canton Godfather


    You heard about the Chinese Godfather? He made them an offer they couldn't understand.

Popular reviews

  • Waterloo



    Есть остров на том океане —
    Пустынный и мрачный гранит;
    На острове том есть могила,
    А в ней император зарыт.

    Зарыт он без почестей бранных
    Врагами в сыпучий песок,
    Лежит на нём камень тяжёлый,
    Чтоб встать он из гроба не мог.

  • Manchester by the Sea

    Manchester by the Sea


    Despite all the hardships, the main characters in «Manchester by the Sea» retain more hope for a brighter future than Manchester United fans do.