Dustin Krefft

Dustin Krefft

Favorite films

  • Army of Darkness
  • It Follows
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie
  • Phantasm

Recent activity

  • Rolling Vengeance


  • Poison Ivy 2: Lily


  • Warlock: The Armageddon


  • Warlock


Recent reviews

  • Rolling Vengeance

    Rolling Vengeance


    First 20 minutes looked and felt like a Friday the 13th setup to me, kept wondering how they were gonna end up at Crystal Lake. Beatty's speech to his sons and potato request is legitimately funny as hell. A really fun watch.

  • Poison Ivy 2: Lily

    Poison Ivy 2: Lily


    Takes a step further into the weird and horny. Hoping that direction continues for the next one!

Popular reviews

  • Wolf Man

    Wolf Man


    Horror equivalent of one of those sad country songs that reminds you to enjoy the time you have with the people you love.

    There was a lot about this that I liked, the look, the beautiful locations, the nighttime forest/country home setting. Even the setup works well. Everything until the transformation, really, it's pretty good! And it's not that the transformation looks bad or anything, I actually think it's pretty realistic and great! It's the constant beating the viewer over…

  • Evil Dead Rise

    Evil Dead Rise


    Huge fan of the previous 4 films and TV show, though Evil Dead Rise seems to share the most DNA with the original and 2013 remake.

    It's mean. It's intense. Maybe the best word is wicked. The movie goes places I thought it surely would not with regards to the "rules". The very clever decision with regards to the origin of the evil in this version is a delight that I appreciate, and the explanations for why the evil originated…