All the things I saw in this genre and put together based on the color of the poster
[ Found Footage ] 📼
A style that I always like in any situation, and this is all the things I saw, only movies, not…
[ Horror ] 👻
The first genre I was attracted to was horror as a child, and this is a list of what I…
A24 Ranked
Every A24 movie I’ve seen ranked
Top 30
The best of my whole life
It was hard for me to choose among top 10, 30 is much better
[ August Underground ] 🔨
◼ The Collection ◼
[ Hell House LLC ] 👻
◼ The Collection ◼
[ V/H/S ] 🎥
◼ The Collection ◼
[ Saw ] 🎲
◼ The Collection ◼
[ The Fear Footage ] 📺
◼ The Collection ◼
[ REC ] 🔦
◼ The Collection ◼