

"The worst day of their life is just your Tuesday afternoon."

Simultaneously Michael Bay's Mad Max and Fury Road.

Puts 99% of modern action movies to shame. Elemental, logistical, emotional, psychological, aesthetic chaos from start to finish, not once letting up. A 2hr 15min action film that takes 40 minutes to effortlessly establish four concurrent plotlines whilst spending the remaining 90 minutes balancing them masterfully through a non-stop car chase, all whilst interrogating the ethics of crime within the confines and punishments of capitalism, and honouring the sheer trauma and mania of the lives of first-responders - as much a lean, mean, efficient, yet empathetic feat of writing as it an audacious, insane feat of direction. Michael Bay sat at home during lockdown, stewed over his boredom, then went back to work on a shoestring budget with a tonne of red tape restricting him and made Ambulance - give the man his damn flowers.

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