Harmless early aughts slasher. The budget is low, the kills are mainly off screen and the acting is horrendous. There are multiple exposition dumps that don't make any sense. With all that being said, I have seen much worse.
Good for Seth though!
Harmless early aughts slasher. The budget is low, the kills are mainly off screen and the acting is horrendous. There are multiple exposition dumps that don't make any sense. With all that being said, I have seen much worse.
Good for Seth though!
I don't normally rate movies this low, but The Watchers actually annoyed me. It is filled with plotholes, has horrible cgi with mediocre looking monsters, and so predictable that it's actually insulting to the Shayamalan name.
The only reason it gets 1 star is that it dealt with subject matter that's often not explored in horror. It has an interesting plot, but fails at every attempt to stand out from any other horror movie.
I have only watched a couple documentaries and the Zodiac movie by Fincher so I am not an expert on this. But, like, Leigh is totally the killer right? There are way too many coincidences for him not to be.
I know Netflix documentaries can be iffy. They make it seem like they know who the killer is without showing all the evidence at times. This documentary didn't feel like that. The kids that hung with Leigh really make this…
So, personally, this was a lot better than Viral. Almost every segment was a load of fun and had many nice practical effects. There was a lot more comedy in this one than in previous entries. It's not as good as VHS2, but I would rank it with this first one.
I do have to say though, the wraparound story sucks. The characters are super annoying and there was minimal effort put in. Not saying there was a ton of…