

Favorite films

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

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  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire


  • Bodies Bodies Bodies


  • Carol


  • Bones and All


Recent reviews

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

    Portrait of a Lady on Fire


    Every time I rewatch this movie it makes me feel empty almost. It has the best eye acting I have ever witnessed in a movie by far. I’m convinced if no words and only glances were exchanged, everything would still come across the way it was originally intended. Makes me think about how sometimes in life we are forced to live with the mere memory to keep us going, sometimes that has to be enough.
    (∞/5 🔥)

  • Bodies Bodies Bodies

    Bodies Bodies Bodies


    Towards the end of the film I wasn’t rooting for anyone lmao. Felt like everyone was screwed up in their own way and them acting sus during the unraveling events cost some of them their lives when they coulda just avoided it all (I know it’s the whole point of the movie let me live). The bloopers bumped up the rating by half a point, I feel like the majority of the time the actors were cracking up while filming and they seem like such a funny bunch :D. Overall a good "pastime" type of movie!

Popular reviews

  • Carol



    I think there was a general disconnect between Carol and Therese throughout the movie. In many parts it was clear a straight dude directed this movie. Cate Blanchett is Gorgiana Lima (she owns the color red).

  • Bones and All

    Bones and All


    booty cheeks tbh. Very unengaging characters with little to no character development. It felt like the film was posing itself as something deeper than it actually was, because it felt like the ending was pretty ungratifying and sorta predictable.
