Wash me now, anoint me with that golden blade
Gender-blender blur
Now that i am fairy, freaky, free
Initiate me.
Paint wars on my cheeks
Anoint me with coco oil and cum
So i speak in tongues twisted so tight,
They untangle my mind
Hold my head in hand
Bless it
He called me friend
I fell in love
We never touched, never kissed
But he left his imprint
Perhaps in my past life, I was a man.
And so, as when the arm was cut off and the nerve endings remain, I feel something there that is not. That would be the past life explanation.
In any case, it matters little.
I know everything is going to fall right into place in my next life. When I get my dick back,
I miss it. I miss the weight of it. I miss the way it feels when i…
This has been by far the most neutral experience of my life