

Favorite films

  • Eraserhead
  • The Thing
  • Take Shelter

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  • The Departed


  • Fargo


  • The Apartment

  • Baby Invasion


Recent reviews

  • Baby Invasion

    Baby Invasion


    Korine’s work in my experience can be nauseating to the point that it generates a faux depth. 

    The constant motif of babies and some of the things branching off from that are laughable.

    This style of shooting in the right hands has a lot of potential I noticed here the actor failed to choreograph recoil and taking pills in an accurate way. It’s complex but it could be really neat. 

    As far as capturing what it wants of modernism it…

  • Crash



    The character of Vaughn on rewatch while remaining perverse I felt I understood him better he seems commanding and intimidating initially but he is someone wholly consumed by the beauty of cars and humans colliding. 

    The scenes of him orchestrating, photographing, paying homage to car crashes are suitably titillating. To see him prop himself up and swerve around atop a car tracing the scene of a crash with its tires. He gives directions as second nature the rising and falling…

Popular reviews

  • Sin City

    Sin City


    Real cozy and easy watch. Solid pacing admirable how insistent the visuals are upon themselves, definitely worth however many arguments it probably took to keep it so stylised. Bad taste in my mouth about certain elements but i suppose theres an air of grimness natural to stories like these, not every narrator can be so solid a moral compass as they project to us. 

    Always nice to See Benicio Del Toro playing a sleaze-ball.
    I think the last story is…

  • 12 Angry Men

    12 Angry Men


    Incredibly solid. A tight script. Thoughtful performances.