Dominic Loach

Dominic Loach

Huge film buff, who likes all types of cinema on a mission to make a record of every film I have ever seen.

Favorite films

  • Dazed and Confused
  • Paris, Texas
  • Before Midnight
  • Almost Famous

Recent activity

  • Werewolves


  • Moana 2


  • Conclave


  • Heretic


Recent reviews

  • Paris, Texas

    Paris, Texas


    It's just perfect isn't it.

  • Morbius


    Best film.

Popular reviews

  • Mad Max: Fury Road

    Mad Max: Fury Road


    Perfect films don’t come along often maybe once every five or so years, the last memorable one being the masterpiece that was Inception yet once again here we sit with a visual masterpiece of such beauty and magnitude that the only way to describe this would be perfect. The world design while taking from previous instalments of the Mad Max series is some of the greatest ever seen, it explains everything without saying a thing. While technically an entire film…

  • Boyhood


    It took 12 years to make you know!?

    While it is obvious to see the scope and vision of this film was one of great inspiration, the finished product was anything but innovative. With a lead actor mubbling his way through the philosophical musings of a typical Linklater character the praise this film seems to be attaining in the critic crowd is bewildring and slightly amusing.

    Easily Linklater's most dissaponting and pretensious film by a long way, the brilliance of…
