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  • Born on the Fourth of July


  • Valkyrie

  • Taps


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Recent reviews

  • Born on the Fourth of July

    Born on the Fourth of July


    Gritty, visceral, and extremely intense in all the ways that a movie dealing with this subject matter ought to be. Having not been familiar with Oliver Stone's work before this, I was prepared for Born on the Fourth of July to be a whole lot of liberal opining about the poor, downtrodden murderers of the US military, and while it's certainly not devoid of that—it's the most obvious, and most commonly reproduced, limitation of the liberal critique of the invasion…

  • Valkyrie


    So terminally boring that it barely even manages to be offensive as overt nazi apologia. Like it's just nothing. Sauceless, flavourless, utterly incapable of dramatizing a moment in history that should be ripe for it. A movie about plotting and political machinations without any of it being tangible on screen. Every moment of scheming is just dudes talking in a room. Any drama of the assassination attempt is completely gutted by the whole scheme being laughably easy for these officers…

Popular reviews

  • Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol

    Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol


    When my brother and I set out to watch the Mission: Impossible series, I was skeptical after the first three movies. The first is solid, but I didn't think much of it until the second and third put into perspective how good the original really is. Mission: Impossible 2's campy action-flick tone, while stylized and charming, is not enough to eclipse the film's horrible pacing, nor to justify its departure from the spy film genre in favour of a more…

  • Taps



    Honestly enjoyed this one much more than I expected to. The premise of a bunch of kids taking over a military academy leading to an armed standoff with the national guard is really strong. I think it pulls the punch at the end by not having a total massacre break out. If it had done that then immediately jumpcut to the condos being built, that would have made this a 5/5. still pretty good though