Perfect movie.
Started off slow but the third act was very good. The pay off for the 2 hour build I think is worth it. The Shakespearean language and the heavy performances I usually enjoy in Shakespearean adaptations but I think it was a bit of a slog in this play. Other adaptations I don’t feel this way about (much ado about nothing-1993, Macbeth-2010) also have long run times and classical Shakespeare stylings but I found them far more engaging throughout.
A fantastic throwback to golden age Hollywood, Mosley and addie are the perfect duo, each charismatic and intelligent in their own complimentary way. I was especially impressed with Addies actor, oftentimes a child actor in a lead role lets the movie down but she was perfect, every disapproving glare or when her eyes catch an opportunity. Perfection. Mosleys character is trope I always have a soft spot, the travelling con man down on his luck but he too was played…