Creative Director | Owner
IG: @donnyslater
This is white people’s Belly.
I can’t remember one line and really don’t know the plot until the last 30 mins but this shit looks beautiful and will have a few stills in the treatment for every music video director who has a budget over $150k for the next 20 years.
Honestly this shit was just real. I got to see Colman actually do a Q&A about the film and finding out the cast are all real convicts made it all connect.
I strongly suggest anyone who wants to see another side of prison than the classic jungle narrative watch this one.
If you put Cinderella, Wolf Of Wall Street and Showgirls in a blender you’d get Anora. For anyone who has friends in the sex work world I think this movie depicts the lifestyle pretty well.
Because in the sex work world your homegirl for sure can go from living in a shitty apartment and lap dancing on flaccid old dick for $20 to being married to an insanely rich foreign elite, living her best life and then right back to…