

my little movie rambles and commentary :p

Favorite films

  • Suspiria
  • Possession
  • Climax
  • Enter the Void

Recent activity

  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


  • Climax


  • Annihilation


  • Trap

Recent reviews

  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


    convinced someone i know based his whole life and look on gonzo. scary man

  • Climax



    i've watched this movie maybe 7 times now and somehow i don't have a review up. maybe that's a bit insane, but watching it with other people is so fun cus i get to see them react to the best movie of all time and there's always something new to notice. #death rlly is an extraordinary experience

Popular reviews

  • Annihilation



    ok so watching this again after reading the book maybe wasn't the best idea because all I could focus on was how much better this could have been. i think when i first watched this i was so wowed by the concept that i didn't realize how much context/substance was missing that could have made this a fully rounded masterpiece. changes are inevitable in a movie adaptation but there's a way to make them without compromising the depth of a…

  • Trap


    thought the bad acting and stiff dialogue was meant to show a parallel between real and celebrity sociopathy, but no, it was just pure awful. only decent actor was the mother who wasn't even established as a character until the last third of the movie, which also makes the twist of the movie fall flat. so much of the story proved to be useless filler, from the daughter being bullied to the entire role of the little brother. waste of time, money, and creativity. shyamalan please reconsider filmmaking, and producers please reconsider funding dogshit movies like this :-/
