

I use this app too much
Some times I put WALL.E, parasite and punch drunk in my top 4

Favorite films

  • Whiplash
  • Moonlight
  • La Haine
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Recent activity

  • Oldboy


  • The Big Swallow


  • The Fall of a Nation

  • Birth


Recent reviews

  • Oldboy



    What a beautifully dark and twisted masterpiece, by far the best revenge movie ive ever seen which is no small feat. The whole movie flies by due to the incredible editing and every scene being perfectly placed. The cinematography is simpily fantastic, using the camera to push us so intimately into the situation this man finds himself in forcing us to sympathise with him so we can feel every gut wrenching twist, turn and horrific revelation as if we where…

  • The Big Swallow

    The Big Swallow


    *Most influential films films ever made- NO.9:*

Popular reviews

  • Electrocuting an Elephant

    Electrocuting an Elephant

    *Most influential films ever made-NO.8:* Researching about this makes the exicution of topsy all the more heartbreaking. A truly facinating, discusting and tragic piece of movie history, from one of its founding creatives non the less.

  • Terrifier 3

    Terrifier 3


    There was an 80 yr old woman next to me in the cinema who only made a sound when she started laughing at the shower scene.... damn