About as fatale as an after dinner mint.
✨I love horror films & don’t believe in guilty pleasures✨
Wow, I always knew I’d think was dumb and I was right. Hard judging anyone that thinks otherwise.
The first five minutes really reeled me in and I was ready to be proved wrong but alas, the remaining 105minutes proved me right. Dull, slow, uninteresting. What a waste of my time.
💃🏼 He does nothing, the boy does nothing! 💃🏼
Okay, this slapped though. And very impressed they made me proper laugh at not one, but two, fart jokes at my big old age.
Anyone that knows me knows that I am 100% in support of a woman’s right to insert both thumbs into the eyes of an attacker. That’s me. Pro-thumb.
Maybe if instead of “Don’t do drugs” someone had said “You know who did drugs? Hitler.” then I wouldn’t be high, eating haribo and watching ‘Hitler: The Junkie’ at 23:45 on a Sunday night.