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I don’t fear death. I do fear murder.
To make this on a lark BETWEEN Godfathers. Iconique. And Gene? You bow to no one.
Pity the small business owner just trying to make an honest living! Thoroughly bleak but oh so charming at the same time? America is truly the land of hucksters, crooks, and killers, always has been. You might be the big fish in a little pond but one day a shark is going smell blood in the water and hire an evil Englishman to come and kill you. That’s the American way baby!
The version on Kanopy was so rough, looked and sounded like ass. I would love to see a properly restored version.
This really, truly, genuinely stank unfortunately. I’m not even mad, I’m just disappointed; I didn’t even really hop on the frothing Parasite hype train but goodness gracious this is a colossal step down an entire flight of stairs. Never clicked for me, in any way really. Jokes were atrociously bad, no stakes whatsoever, dull and plodding pacing, characters appear only to never be heard from again, either doesn’t establish or has no interest in following its own rules, no world…
2000s horror remake slop hiding under prestige “elevated horror” directors brand. Just so crushingly average. Not a lot of purpose or perspective underneath all that technical style. Eggers once again getting lost in the woods when it comes to his devotion to verisimilitude. I was also lost in that I could hardly see a thing for most of the movie. Hard to come up with a reason why this needed to be made or what this retelling brings to the…