doug el latino

doug el latino

professional movie critic who hasn’t seen the basics 🍿 📝

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man: No Way Home
  • Superbad
  • Inception
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Recent activity

  • Saw


  • Elemental


  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


  • Inception


Recent reviews

  • Saw



    Twist was pretty unexpected and ending was left with a few loose ends. Overall, sick movie and I’m looking forward to the second. hey pookie ☝🏽

  • Elemental



    I personally liked the poof that signified death in movie. Overall, it was a very emotional and familia traumatic based story. Lots of foreshadowing and when you find out more about what this story is based on, the movie will make much more sense. All the elements were small and adorable, kid friendly with maybe one or two adult jokes. Hopefully you find your water boy or fire girl :)

Popular reviews

  • Inception



    prepared to be mind blown. lengthy movie but it’ll still leave you wanting to see more. don’t fall asleep, you may end up having a crazy dream 😴

  • Joker



    the world is broken. you reach out for help and instead you get a door to the face saying “f*ck you”. you try to do good but it makes you a laughing joke to the world. fine, embrace the person the world wants you to be and let’s see who ends up laughing now. the joker is what makes this movie truly extraordinary when compared to others, as well as an amazing Joaquin Phoenix performance. highly suggest watching it !