A bit long really, with the strangeness cranked up.
George Miller really is something to behold with creating creative and different action. Would really love to see him do a superhero movie or something. Would be sick.
Directing: 5/5
Writing: 5/5
Acting: 5 /5
Comedy: 4/5
Extras: 5 /5
Stunts: 5/5
Set design: 5/5
Editing: 5 / 5
Sound track: 3/5
Sound design: 4 /5
Action: 5 /5
Pre-Vis: 5 /5
Mise-un scene: 5 /5
Drama: 5/5
Fun factor: 3 /5 (a bit long)
Support characters: 5 /5
Total: 71 / 75