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Recent reviews

  • Army of the Dead

    Army of the Dead


    I can’t put into words how much I enjoy this movie and I couldn’t say why because it’s not perfect but entertaining as hell. For all of the not doing great things like the recasting of Peters, I personally think a different comedian/actor could’ve done a better and more memorable job. There feels like there’s a large chunk of story missing in the beginning (I know there’s an animated prequel coming) but the title sequence for this film is pure…

  • Eraser



    This is my first review on Letterboxd, and for good reasons. I was genuinely surprised with how good this movie was! It’s cheesy, 90s action with a good director and lead t the helm. I’ll start with the positives first since there’s a lot more:

    - The tone/look of the movie is good, very blue like True Lies or other Cameron films 
    - Action sequences are well shot, dynamic and not shaky cam filled which is always a good…

  • The Hidden Fortress

    The Hidden Fortress


    I’ll start this review off by saying I haven’t seen all of Akira’s filmography: Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Rashomon, and now The Hidden Fortress. What drew me to this film were some of the building blocks used in the Star Wars series, and I was interested to see what those things were that were used by George Lucas. It was really different compared to the other films I had seen, there’s a light-hearted playful feel to some of the scenes here and overall it’s more of an adventure more so than the other samurai epics he has in his catalogue. The two lead o
