Drew Doyle

Drew Doyle

Favorite films

  • Parasite
  • Interstellar
  • Arrival
  • Knives Out

Recent activity

  • Jerry Maguire


  • Don't Worry Darling


  • Smile


  • Nope


Recent reviews

  • Don't Worry Darling

    Don't Worry Darling


    I understand the complaints of “underdeveloped story,” “underdeveloped themes,“ “underdeveloped characters” to some degree but in no way was this a bad movie. The aspects that worked worked very well; the highlights of course being the stunning cinematography and the performances of Pugh and Pine. Powell’s score was also very intriguing and the set design was completely transportive. This is a unique story that takes inspiration from a lot of places. Yes, projects that are inspired by other projects can…

  • Nope



    Did I expect the scariest part of Nope to be a chimpanzee’s birthday party?
    Were my expectations for the third act too high?
    But overall Nope was quite entertaining, with both beautiful visuals and a captivating score. The quality of the story falls below Us and Get Out but still kept me interested for its entirety. 
    In a year of chaotic multiverse jumping It’s oddly refreshing to see a talented director execute such a simple and iconic circumstance of a UFO citing.
