War films still not being my genre of film this I'd Coppolas worst film of his golden decade.
A white saviour must fight the corruption of the Vietnamese, ironically played by an actor called Martin. Trust me Martin I know the struggles.
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Apocalypse Now 1979
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Paddington 2 2017
Brother Bokis was so infatuated with Hugh Grants masterclass performance he fell asleep and had a wet dream.
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There Will Be Blood 2007
The perfect story of greed and ego about a man who was born too early to own a plex server but with the same soft skin to criticisms.
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Joker 2019
I've had to detract half a star after this viewing as this film must take some responsibility for spawning Joker 2 the literal heart stopping musical. The doctors claimed my heart switched off mid film as death seemed preferable and had to resuscitate me by showing me something mildly more entertaining such as listening to David Beckham speak or watching David Reid play football.
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