Thé Letterboxd top 4 isn’t enough
unfinished 〰️
Movies that I watched and haven’t finished, for one reason or another
For Ollie
Watch these movies or die
Movies Synced
Movies me and my friends have watched synced to albums :) check notes for which album and with who
For mark
For when we can’t decide
For James
Russian roulette
For Victoria
Movies I think we’d like to watch together
For Jo
The sexiest movies on letterboxd
bug movies
Movies about bugs and the existential crises and the psychological process behind behind life as a bug curated by kathy and I
movies that should be video games
some movies simply should’ve been pitched to a video game company! Features horror, action, and whatever else I feel would…
movies that shaped my aesthetic
I have a very niche aesthetic A collection of movies that are vaguely cyberpunk, fantasy, etc. with costumes I love…
required viewing
a list of media (in no particular order) that I think everyone should see