I like no movies that start with the letter X.
Year After Year
My favorite movie from every year I’ve been alive.
Teachin’ film
The films my students have studied in my course “Film Studies.”
My son likes movies.
Andy’s favorites. The list is always growing.
My daughter likes movies.
Lily’s list of favorites. It is ever changing and growing.
Luxo List-o
My favorite Pixar films ranked. No one has ever done this before. (Order is subject to change. The internet is…
A Night Out
All of the movies I saw in the theatre or drive-in. List assembled to the best of my recollection.
For the Kids
Movies one or both of my kids have seen in the theatre.
Get real
The films students have studied in my course “Documentary Production.”
Pet Films
A mixed bag of films about my favorite artist, Brian Wilson, and the group he led, The Beach Boys.
Learnin’ film
Titles curated by the great Joe Reilly for my undergraduate film course. I took the class twice.