

Reviews written immediately after seeing films. Don’t hold me to anything.

Favorite films

  • A Nos Amours
  • Nightcap
  • Angst
  • Titanic

Recent activity

  • Hellbound: Hellraiser II


  • On the Silver Globe


  • The Reflecting Skin


  • Safe


Recent reviews

  • Hellbound: Hellraiser II

    Hellbound: Hellraiser II


    Silly sweet sad and occasionally properly obscene. Definitely a more pleasurable and surprising form of grotesque, symbol rich, story chaos than the more portentous offerings from leos carax or Julia ducournau.

  • On the Silver Globe

    On the Silver Globe


    If 2001 is about how nothing can sometimes give rise to something, On A Silver Globe reminds us that something will always revert to nothing in the end.

Popular reviews

  • Uncut Gems

    Uncut Gems


    In their referential / reverential nerdiness / neediness and consequent inability to alight on anything original, the Safdies have more in common with George lucas than they do with the other late 70s directors they attempt to ape.

  • Safe



    Feels like both the film and the coronavirus tap in to a desperate desire to get away from each other as we become more interconnected. Retreat is relief.
