Daniel Sloyan

Daniel Sloyan

Favorite films

  • Requiem for a Dream
  • Gattaca
  • Minority Report
  • Angel Heart

Recent activity

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


  • Vice


  • Widows


  • Suspiria


Recent reviews

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


    A marvel (get it LOL) idea for a Spider-Man film, or any superhero for that matter. There's been so many iterations, both in comics and films, that Spider-Man seemed like the ideal choice to make a multi-universe story about. All the versions of Spider-Man they use are great be they guy, girl, robot, or pig, and they get good voice actors for all of them, each funny and cool in their own way. Comic story aside, it's actually a pretty…

  • Vice



    A biopic very unlike ones we've come accustomed to seeing. A very stylistic energetic film, one that's less interested in telling the straightforward documentation of a man's life, but rather an entertaining yet tragic even Shakespearean (yes there is a sequence where the characters speak as if in a Shakespeare play) interpretation. The title card at the start says so little is known about what Dick Cheney actually did or said, so why not tell the story in an over…

Popular reviews

  • Super Troopers 2

    Super Troopers 2


    I enjoyed the first Super Troopers, though not to the extent of some people. But when they started the indiegogo campaign for the sequel, and one of the perks was an advanced screening with the cast, I figured it'd be a cool experience.
    Overall I'd say it's on par with the first, I laughed about as much as I did with that one. Since it's more famous now, the sequel has several well known actors popping up in roles. It…

  • Blindspotting



    I've heard this described as a buddy comedy that exists in a world that doesn't allow them to be, and I'd say that's pretty accurate. For a lot of the film, you'd think it is just a comedy, Diggs and Casal have great chemistry together and are very funny, so many limes made the theater laugh hard. But then the unfortunate reality of the world around them comes in and breaks that. The film deals with several serious issues affecting…
