

Favorite films

  • Ammonite
  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
  • Carol
  • Moonlight

Recent activity

  • DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

  • Choke

  • Finding Neverland

  • No Home Movie


Recent reviews

  • The Place Beyond the Pines

    The Place Beyond the Pines


    “If you ride like lightning, you’re gonna crash like thunder.”

    Not only an indelible line and a forewarning to the main character, the line itself extends beyond the film, in a sense breaking the fourth wall, as it is undeniably applicable to the very lives we, ourselves, live.

  • The Keeping Room

    The Keeping Room

    ⚢Women, Rise Up!⚢

Popular reviews

  • Carol



    Carol is so exquisite in every facet of beauty, it's agonizing. This film pains my heart in the best, most profound kind of way. Carol renders me speechless in conversation, having filled me with an inexplicable tranquility only worthy of a type of contentment that's been marked upon my soul. I will be forever indebted to art and artists, for without them my very existence would be nothing.

  • V for Vendetta

    V for Vendetta


    To state in the absolute most simplistic terms: While unfortunate yet true, oppression and tyranny are rampant in various facets throughout the world. Therefore, V for Vendetta will always be a film of relevance due to its sheer subject contents. ¡Viva la revolución! ✌