Newt didn't have to die, people were really stupid
I'm glad Teresa was too f-ing stupid to just jump that she ended up dying
Galy is so funny I swear to God,love him
I suffer every time Minho got hurt in the lab😭
Newt didn't have to die, people were really stupid
I'm glad Teresa was too f-ing stupid to just jump that she ended up dying
Galy is so funny I swear to God,love him
I suffer every time Minho got hurt in the lab😭
The maze runner crawl and walk so that The last of us could run
FCK Teresa
Reneé Rapp my absolute girlfriend
We all came out gay from the cinema
Esta demasiado slay, no pensé que me fuera a gustar tanto
"I'm a sexy mouse,duh"
Solo que porque hicieron a Karen tan estúpida osea no entendí Karen es tonta pero no así no que como que wtf pero todo lo demás slay