Deleting tags…
- with max 38
- esquire 13
- sick day shudder marathon 5
- amc 3
- movie night 3
- vhs 3
- wine wednesday 3
- amc with bella and max 2
- amc with max and fritz 2
- and ali 2
- before work 2
- with rae 2
- 2 watches in 24 hours
- aaron carter
- actual last movie of 24
- after grocery shopping
- all i know is sand
- and molly
- and mom and dad
- and paul's a real stinker for that shit
- and the suds
- are they doing 30 full minutes of previews now?
- christmas night
- during tornado watch
- first movie '25
- from shake it
- gonna shoot some pigs
- home by 6
- i know son
- i like my women 30 feet tall and mad
- i've had a rough year dad
- im talking a lot
- in your attic apartment
- knitting
- last movie of 2024
- little to no pillow talk was present
- maknmax :)
- max fell asleep <3
- max ❤️
- move night
- ordered takeout
- pizza and wine and weed
- putting up christmas decorations
- rox
- salmon bake
- snow day!
- splash of cointreau
- still hated megalopolis
- strawberry & cocoa nib-infused soju
- tastes like one of those christmas chocolate oranges
- thanks max
- thc seltzer
- top w coconut la croix
- w the usual supects
- watching with max
- what're you hunting this time?
- with fritz
- with max and ali and mark and joe and zach
- with max and ali and mark and rae and david
- with max and ali and mark and red and john and keegan and mak :)
- with max and bella and mom and dad
- with mom and dad
- with rae and mak
- working on my legos
- worms