

One man.
One million dead.
The odds are just about even.

Favorite films

  • The Exorcist III
  • Darkman
  • Big Trouble in Little China
  • Halloween

Recent activity

  • Hercules in the Haunted World


  • It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World


  • Sicario


  • The Fly


Recent reviews

  • Hercules in the Haunted World

    Hercules in the Haunted World


    If the whole film was like the last ten minutes, this would be the greatest movie of all time. Then again, what film could live up to this movie's immortal tagline: all-new heights for fright and might?

    The aforementioned finale and Hades sequences are incredible. Bava may have done the cinematography for the two OG Steve Reeves Hercules flicks, but neither allowed him to show off just how visually inventive as he could be.

  • It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

    It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World


    Simpsons did it.

    I mean, they did it later, but they did it better. Crucially, they did it shorter (hence the better).

    Please sign my change dot org petition to bring back animated opening credits in comedies. I think they stopped making ‘em after City Slickers Two: The Legend Of Curly’s Gold!

    Audibly gasped that, amongst all the stars in said opening credits, I saw Selma Diamond and said “Wow! Night Court’s original bailiff”

    The movie opens with Jonathan Winters,…

Popular reviews

  • The Fly

    The Fly


    Movies that don't have the main character turning into a fly fail the Brundle Test. And that won't FLY with me! 🪰

  • Frailty



    For an hour, this is an unjustly forgotten gem hampered only by an awkward flashback structure. Then the movie hits you with the corniest goddam twists and the whole thing turns to dogshit.