usually crying, sleeping, or yearning at the cinema
rooting for everyone asian and/or gay
no shade but i think people who don’t get this might just be ugly
if you have never had an entire room of people gawk at your very presence then ok sure i get why you might hate this! this is a hot girl movie, for those who know beauty and glamour 🤭
imagine being so beautiful that you become an enigma, an object not just of scrutiny but of literal study. THAT’S anthropology bitch
as a certified Beautiful Person…
have you ever had a crush so intense that you want to climb into their skin and embody them? an obsession so incessant that the very thought of them conjures simultaneous pain and euphoria? a yearning to be seen by someone who refuses to free themselves and who will never be able to see you the way you’d like to be seen?
drew starkey and brandon flynn i can show you better sensations than pinhead
it's decided i'm moving to the coast of southern chile
varied thoughts:
- portrait of a boatswain on fire
- whoever allowed that cgi fox should've been fired
- ending credits song slaps (cover of los barcos by gepe)
- i want to live in antonio's cabin so bad
- the scene where they collect sea urchin and eat it by the water, kill me
- the love that everyone gives one another.. my heart!!
- this shit makes me wanna have a cute yet intense tryst in a small town
- i'm probably going to end up in a k-hole about chilean history now
as a gay vietnamese american man this film hit me where it hurt. beautiful, visually sumptuous, full of cultural symbols and moments both significant and not. ugh and they premiered this IN VIETNAM.. the implications that that has.
the only thing i'm pressed about it the main actor's bad southern accent (he's from the north) smh