

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
  • Shin Ultraman
  • Ultraman: Rising

Recent activity

  • Billy and Mandy Save Christmas


  • Tokyo Godfathers


  • Scream


  • Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Casshern



    I went into this fully blind and had no idea what to expect. What I got was a gothic scifi superhero movie and it's all I could ask for. This is a movie that takes it self seriously enough where I could get past the weirdness of everything is cgi and actors are most of the time in front of a green screen. I'm sure they might confuse some folk on a first watch but I had so much fun…

  • Milk



    I watched this completely on a whim and I'm really glad I did. From beginning to end I felt very moved. Despite being made in 2008 and taking place in the 70s I found it crazy how time is a flat circle with bigots. So many things that were said I swear I keep hearing now. I was completely moved because Harvey Milk was a man who wanted civil rights for gay people and he hoped it would be for…
