"Be proud of who you are. It isn't about the girl, Coop"
"It isn't?"
"Well it is. But see if you can follow me here. It .... isn't"
G-rated crossover of a doctor who episode and Age of Ultron. Quite flat tbh
Probably the only one of these apart from the guardians movies to have something interesting, even if sloppy on execution, to say about the characters and challenge them to grow. Insane to see how far the quality of these have regressed since even something like this. Watched it in two parts because I was busy and mildly bored. Need to watch more movies
There are some stinkin' liars out there who deserve to lose all their credibility for even pretending that this was mildly entertaining. Ezra Miller is insufferable to watch, with the added bonus of getting suffer as two of them quip cringe dialogue at each other. Micheal Keaton and Ben Affleck just look embarrassed to be there, and I legitimately think that Micheal Shannon's performance is an AI just because of how lifeless and uncanny it is. Rendered in Fortnite ass…