
Brad Pro

I watch movies because I don’t have the patience to read books

Favorite films

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Batman Begins
  • Mad Max: Fury Road

Recent activity

  • Drive-Away Dolls


  • The Wind Rises


  • My Old Ass


  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


Pinned reviews

  • Universal Language

    Universal Language


    At times much too surrealist for my taste, l was nonetheless taken aback by how incredibly well Universal Language‘s gags, visuals, narrative, and tone capture a part of Winnipeg’s unique spirit.

    For this particular forlorn expatriate, Universal Language reinforced what Winnipeg is all about: finding beauty in brutalist architecture and congested highways, colour in a sea of grey concrete and snow, culture in chain coffee shops, soul in bureaucracy, excitement in the bland and in Bingo, pride in the ordinary,…

  • H2O



    I wanted to dismiss this as the cringiest political Canadiana garbage ever, but then I remembered that The Best Laid Plans and those white-washed John A. Macdonald Heritage Minutes exist... H2O manages to showcase both the worst that CBC-produced, made-for-TV has to offer and the tragically untapped potential of a great Canadian political drama, à la Borgen.

    H2O is so very CBC entertainment: poorly produced, edited, and written; publicly funded, yet inaccessible except through pirating or Amazon; utterly forgotten, despite…

Recent reviews

  • My Old Ass

    My Old Ass


    A heartwarming mashup of some favourite tropes: cottage-core + That One Summer + My Older Self & Me + Better to have Loved & Lost. Also super relatable because I too have had drug-fuelled imaginary conversations with past and future versions of myself.

  • Canadian Bacon

    Canadian Bacon


    Fitting that the ultimate villain after the Cold War is the American military industrial complex. Great satire, weak movie.

Popular reviews

  • The Dark Crystal

    The Dark Crystal


    Enjoying the magic of filmmaking was a big part of my trip to New Zealand. We watched our fair share of kiwi cinema and obviously explored all sorts of The Lord of the Rings sets and film locations. But we also tried out Weta Workshop’s tourist offerings, including the “Weta Workshop Unleashed” experience which, through a tour of the sets for three fictional movies, showcases the behind the scenes creative and technical process of developing a film’s special effects, props,…

  • The Hunt for Red October

    The Hunt for Red October


    “Damnit Jim, I’m an analyst, not a submariner!”

    Submarines are to the Cold War, what submarines are to cinema, and The Hunt for Red October may just be the most submarine of all the submarine movies.