

i’m into shows more but this will do

Favorite films

  • Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
  • A Star Is Born
  • Moonlight

Recent activity

  • Tangled


  • Captain America: Brave New World


  • Speak No Evil


  • Speak No Evil


Recent reviews

  • Tangled



    as a kid tangled is about family and the promises of youth and beauty and how you need to go see the world while you still can and as an adult it’s about prison abolition

  • Captain America: Brave New World

    Captain America: Brave New World


    u nerds are so suffocating and boring like i feel like i need noise canceling headphones for suffocating, boring nerds who want inbred, meta, masturbatory marvel films that worship at the altars of themselves. let things be different jesus christ. the movie was fine. let the infinity saga go LET IT GO

Popular reviews

  • Speak No Evil

    Speak No Evil


    ah yes, man sacrifices his wife and child for male approval and still does not obtain it even in ultimate homicidal conquest. RIP ancient rome you would have loved speak no evil

  • X



    i went to see this with my church friends and some of them got up and walked out during one of the sex scenes and i didn’t have a cool reaction at all i spent the rest of the movie wondering how it could be possible i’d burn eternally in hell but not get used to the heat
