One of the best bad movies I've seen. Fantastic performances, absolutely no narrative coherence, and where the hell is the light coming from?
*camera slowly zooms in on another monologue while a single oboe plays a melancholic theme*
Probably the best vampire movie; really dig the faithfulness to an authentic 18th century eastern-european vibe for Orlok (or, I guess, the vibe I imagine a long-dead eastern-european feudal lord to give off). Also very cool to see a genuine, folkloric depiction if a vampire (ie., one that has nothing to do with bats, capes, or slicked hair). Mix in *highly* pre-enlightenment eastern-ortho views on sin and carnality, and we're off to the races. Gorgeous, gorgeous visuals; stills, shots, my…
This is the kind of film that makes me wonder if the filmmakers are geniuses, or if I'm just reading too much meaning into the material (but then again, that's what "art" is, right?).
Media's irresponsible, exploitative glamorization of violence for "ratings" (ie, views) is barely touching the surface; the nature, violence, and coercion of sexuality under patriarchy (including the commodification of daughters by fathers); Freudian origins of the superego; sanctioned, institutionalized forms of power, control, and violence; and the…