Dylan Hewitson Bevis

Dylan Hewitson Bevis

Favorite films

  • The Blob
  • Inland Empire
  • In the Mouth of Madness
  • Videodrome

Recent activity

  • Bat★21


  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


  • The Food of the Gods


  • Prince of Darkness


Recent reviews

  • Bat★21



    the definition of a 2.5 star movie
    completely fine and totally serviceable 
    checked this out cuz gene hackman and danny glover are in it and my dad said he remembered it being good
    (he complained the whole time that he was bored)

    it has a decent search and rescue story set during the vietnam war but it has too many dull moments to make the exciting explosions and helicopter scenes worth the wait

    the performances from hackman and glover are…

  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

    The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


    tossed up giving this a 3.5 or a 4 because the first lump of this movie kinda pissed me off with how 2013 it is
    that’s not a fault of the movie more just the fact that that whole style of humour never really gelled with me and i found myself cringing at the PS2 stretch armstrong fight and all that

    thankfully once our hero leaves NYC and goes off exploring the movie really finds itself and becomes something much…

Popular reviews

  • Before Sunrise

    Before Sunrise


    i wish all bums would write me poetry instead of trying to steal my shoes

    linklater is so talented at nailing the whimsy that comes with falling in love . it’s a simple thing , complicated only if you let it be complicated

  • Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful

    Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful


    the same basic premise as that one south park episode but not nearly as endearing or funny or anything

    i suppose this episode exists to warn us of the dangers of AI-generated content alongside making the same tired joke about reading the terms and conditions and honestly i don’t think it justifies itself

    annie murphy is pre good in roles where the reality of the situation around her is subject to interpretation but her alongside everyone else here was jus kinda mid

    not a great start !