
dylan Patron

simply excising my thoughts, sometimes serious sometimes not

Favorite films

  • Youth
  • The Tree of Life
  • Blue Velvet
  • Paris, Texas

Recent activity

  • Vox Lux


  • Wildness


  • Reviving The Roost

  • The World


Recent reviews

  • Vox Lux

    Vox Lux


    (cinssu free film friday)

    really interesting seeing all the parallels post-brutalist, aside from the various ground level road shots, some really chilling moments in both films that unearth the true evil of the american state apparatus. 

    kind of insane the way that the screams of the audience, which continue through the entire 20 or so minute performance at the end of the film, sound like screams of terror, song beats like gunshots. unsure whether to conclude pop music and mass…

  • Wildness



    unfortunately i feel like a lot of the critiques lobbed at paris is burning really apply here.. really centers singularly on what is ultimately an outsider perspective of what is supposed to be an insular community safe space

Popular reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive



    i can’t believe he’s gone. perhaps the greatest american artist of the past fifty years. criminal that it took me this long to get around to this but it hit me like a ton of bricks.

    you can tell how much he loved these worlds, how much he felt for these characters, these women. how much he loved his actors and his collaborators. david lynch was a once in a lifetime gift that we’re all lucky to have witnessed.

    goodnight david, you were the dreamer❤️💙🤍

  • Tropic Thunder

    Tropic Thunder


    why do people like this?? call me sensitive but this just felt like it used people of colour and neurodivergence for shock factor; half of the jokes in an “ooh he went there” sort of way. and how reductive to use blackface to attempt to comment on the disrespect and oppression of Black people in the name of white art and self-actualization, yet depict Vietnamese people as one-note faceless savages in a blockbuster landscape already riddled with Vietnam war movies…
