Dylan Tilley

Dylan Tilley

Favorite films

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Princess Mononoke
  • GoodFellas
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

Recent activity

  • The Wind Rises


  • The French Dispatch


  • The Darjeeling Limited


  • The Royal Tenenbaums


Recent reviews

  • The Wind Rises

    The Wind Rises


    An excellent heart-warming tale about the simple beauty of a quiet life and the pursuit of passion and beauty in spite of a sometimes ugly world.

    The juxtaposition between the serenity found in creation, and the devastating reality that these creations will be used for destruction is a captivating motif explored beautifully. There is a quiet but profound political statement hidden in this cosy little film.

    Miyazake always astounds me in his ability to turn the mundane fantastical, even in…

  • The French Dispatch

    The French Dispatch


    The most intensely maticulous Anderson I've seen. An absolutely beautiful picture using a multitude of cinematic practice and technique to create an extremely engaging, off-beat anthology punctuated by a warmth and a heart throughout.

    Andersons passion for filmmaking has never been more apparent, in short, every element that makes a good film has been laboriously pined on for what I have to imagine is an absurd amount of time.

    The production design, sound design, cinematography, acting, and story are all…

Popular reviews

  • Beau Is Afraid

    Beau Is Afraid


    Cinematography is great, soundtrack is great, phoenix is great, blah blah blah.

    Every film I've ever watched, I have finished. No matter how boring, poorly made, sad, or generally upset it made me feel, I believe that a genuine and thorough opinion cannot be given on a film you haven't seen through. This was the closest I have ever come to giving up on a picture.

    Hereditary was a phenomenal horror film that whilst well researched and experimental, remained grounded…

  • The Darjeeling Limited

    The Darjeeling Limited


    Once again Anderson delivers a deeply human story full of whimsy and depth.

    The setting is extremely unique, the titular "Darjeeling Limited" was an extremely pleasant set piece. Part of me wishes the entire film was set in this little train but then we wouldn't have gotten some of the most emotionally devastating scenes.

    All three leads are fantastic in their roles here. Adrian Brodie is a standout for me. The film, setting, and characters felt very authentic and organic.…
