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  • La La Land


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Recent reviews

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    While it did kick off the insanely successful LLLCU (La La Land Cinematic Universe) it doesn't hold up as well on rewatch.

  • F9



    So the movie opens with a car and it's going brrrrr and then it goes BRRRRRRRRR and THEN he shifts GEARS and it goes


    and there's a guy in the car driving it and his name is TORETTO and we all know what that means it means FAMILY so anyway they're racing around the TRACK - VROOOOOOOOOOOM - but then there are GUNS and everyone's like woah what but then there are cars again and everyone's like YAY BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…

Popular reviews

  • Cheer



    The documentary makers do such an excellent job of portraying all the different personalities on the team that my favourite character switched every 5 minutes for the entire show.

  • Michael Palin in North Korea

    Michael Palin in North Korea


    I'm really glad this is on Letterboxd because oh my GOD I absolutely adore this film!

    Possibly the best film made last year?

    The most wholesome man on the planet takes a look at a country opening up on its own terms with a really fresh perspective. Instead of going all Vice or WaitButWhy on them, Michael Palin sees North Korea for the untapped pocket of quirky experiences that it is.

    Honestly made me think a lot and reinforced how enriching and positive going somewhere with an open mind can be.

    (It's on YouTube btw)