Favorite films

  • Atonement
  • Les Misérables
  • Chernobyl
  • The Lion King

Recent activity

  • Two of Us


  • Black Swan


  • I Used to Be Famous


  • Last Christmas


Recent reviews

  • Two of Us

    Two of Us


    Two of Us (Deux) by Italian director Filippo Meneghetti is a touching reminder of the need to make every moment count. Its sparse soundtrack from the outset trains the audience to notice everyday sounds - the smack of lipstick on lips, the crinkle of a bow being untied, the creak of chairs, the jingle of keys in a lock, the rustle of leaves in the wind, the crows of ravens.

    From the soundtrack alone, we might be fooled into thinking…

  • Black Swan

    Black Swan


    A terrifying dive into the world of ballet and the extreme pressure dancers are put under physically and psychologically. The scariest thing is that as the viewer, we, just like Nina, don’t know what’s real and what’s just in her head. But does it being in her head make it any less real?

Popular reviews

  • The Sound of Music

    The Sound of Music


    A protagonist who can’t help signing wherever she goes. Who is forever running late and relatabley clumsy. Played by Julie Andrew … enough said. 

    This musical has songs that when listened to too many times might get on your nerves but otherwise are a great way of learning solfège! And some beautiful shots of Salzburg mountains. 

    Quite a long one - a great watch on long haul plane flights to pass the time!

  • Mama Weed

    Mama Weed


    This film started off as more of a drama with an interesting exploration of the complex role of a translator in interrogations where detainees specific choice of words is used against them, where a translation can seem like a betrayal. It took a turn towards comedy about halfway through, ushered in by the shift in the soundtrack. The second half relies on cheap laughs, a kind of French version of Ocean’s Eleven. There’s something captivating about watching them evade the…
