Non stop comedy fun with some bops along the way
Doesn’t reinvent the mockumentary but is a fun entry into the genre. Not all the jokes hit but most of them will have you laughing
Non stop comedy fun with some bops along the way
Doesn’t reinvent the mockumentary but is a fun entry into the genre. Not all the jokes hit but most of them will have you laughing
It’s incredible how a movie with such a quirky premise can hit so damn hard. A feel good ride that had me crying just as much as the first time I watched it.
Movie will always have a special place in my heart.
As good as Gosling is in everything he does nothing hits quite as much as his indie stuff.
Was impossible to go into this without seeing all the talk around it and did my best to go in open minded.
This sucks
None of the singing is good, had one song that made sense to the movie (I guess), talk singing to all our songs just here and there no reason for any of it.
Don’t give a shit about a single character, Emilia has a moment here and there where they made the attempt but fell flat. …