Realistically funny. Loved Hubert lol
Maybe I wasn’t as locked in as I should’ve been bc I didn’t love it and felt myself losing focus but it was definitely pretty funny and glad I understood what was going on. Extra half star for complexity
Not the Bong Joon-Ho I’m accustomed to but still enjoyed it. I will be more excited for his next original story. Just felt this one took a random turn that negatively affected the ending. His movies are always funny and crisp but once you make movies like Memories of Murder, Mother, and Parasite it is hard to not go in with absurd expectations
Mark Ruffalo is hilarious and Pattinson always puts in good performance(s). It’s the year of same actor…
Amazing. The type of movie that left the theatre speechless and one you want to read about after. It’s as sad as it is good and the fact that it’s based on real reform schools makes it hit even harder. Loved the POV aspect too