

Favorite films

  • Bit
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  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • Promising Young Woman

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  • Queen of the Damned


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  • MirrorMask


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Recent reviews

  • Queen of the Damned

    Queen of the Damned


    If this was gay it would be a cult classic.

  • MirrorMask



    Like fully sick also the cats will haunt my dreams

    My socialisty analysis is it shows a nice glimpse into how children are oppressed under capitalism. While it's only a small part of the film Helena's parents take away her agency throughout the film. Whether it's with anti-Helena or real Helena, parents are constantly forcing their will onto their children for their personal gain (in one case financial). I don't think the idea is deeply explored on a societal scale…

Popular reviews

  • Clue



    The real Communism was the red herrings we made along the way

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

    Portrait of a Lady on Fire


    It's an investigation into perception, perfected.

    Treating the audience as intelligent viewers and with performances that resonate beautifully with viewers. I cannot express my appreciation for this wonderfully executed artwork.

    I have a particular passion for period dramas, especially melodrama and especially more so queer melodramas. While my fordness for the 2019 film Carmilla is definitely majorly from my enjoyment of those genre features this is just a wonderful piece on its own. My preference to those stories is definitely enhanced by that liking but not required for someone to celebrate, feel, and grieve aspects of this tale.

    A beautiful work of art.