

Favorite films

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Back to the Future
  • Interstellar
  • Megamind

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  • Interstellar


  • Twilight


  • The Batman


  • The Worst Person in the World


Recent reviews

  • Interstellar



    A moderator has removed this review.

  • Twilight



    Where Robert Pattinson is drives past an old disabled native man and you can see him visibly disgusted by this man.

    The explanation that Bella tripped down some stairs and out a window

    Immediately after this Kristen Sewart says with a straight face something along the lines of "we're meant to be together forever ever" to Edward who she met like a week ago max or thats what it feels like cause the movie's pace is so fast.



Popular reviews

  • Encanto



    Started watching and got bored in the first 5 mins. What is it with Pixar making dogshit lately?
    The opening sequence of Coco tells you exactly what the movie is about: it presents a powerful, emotional family backstory told in a grippingly creative way – and then we are thrown into Miguel's conflicting goal. Bravo.
    The opening sequence of Encanto has a pair of dancing slippers and then a shitty Lin Manuel Miranda song. This shit is laughable.

    Another classic example of South America trying to copy Mexico and failing cause they're just not as interesting.

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion

    Neon Genesis Evangelion


    TERRIBLE fucking show! DO NOT WATCH IT!! and the movie sucks too!!