

Favorite films

  • Life of Brian
  • A Bug's Life
  • Her
  • No Country for Old Men

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  • The Straight Story


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  • Hundreds of Beavers


  • Queer


Recent reviews

  • Queer



    1st part: cool vibe, but after some time I was bored
    2nd part: jungle part I liked, at least not boring
    2.5/5 in total

  • The Settlers

    The Settlers


    Impressive Western taking place in the rough nature of Tierra del Fuego in the early 20th century. Brilliant acting, decent camera work, great color scheme - the overall vibe was very convincing to me. So many thinks to talk and think about, never before did I have to deal with South American/Chilean-Argentinian history covering this period of time. A film that will probably make me spend some time for an intense deep dive into the Wikipedia article of the Tierra del Fuego.

Popular reviews

  • The Father

    The Father


    Fascinating idea to play with the ambiguity of experienced reality, this is a very good implementation of illustrating the struggles you may have to face when dealing with dementia. Especially the fact that even in the end there is no absolute truth revealed about all the character’s identity makes this movie a special one. Certain sub subjects like the relation of inside to outside or the meaning of time could be furthermore discussed. A stunning performance by Anthony Hopkins as well as a soundtrack which is used perfectly in certain moments top the whole artwork off.

  • Times Change You

    Times Change You


    Dass der Satz „Du willst doch mich ficken, und nicht die Gesellschaft!“ nicht in die deutsche Kinogeschichte einging, bleibt mir ein Rätsel. Ansonsten noch bemerkenswert: Flers Ronaldo-WM-2002-Gedächtnisfrisur, Kay-Ones Nuschelei (ohne Untertitel kaum zu verstehen) und Karel Gott, der vor dem Brandenburger Tor souverän Biene Maja auf einen Rap-Beat performt.
